First there was this at 830, I'd only been outside about 10 minutes. The visibility was nothing. Instead of hopping off the bus when the job called I just stayed on and rode it all the way around. It was safer that way. I was on the bus for about 2.5 hours. The bus was surprisingly on time. Usually the weather puts them behind schedule. I had to pee so bad when I got home. I almost didn't make it.

Then I got this lovely package in the mail from my cousin. Filipino baked goods from Goldilocks Bakery. Yum!!! I haven't had these in 6 years, the last time I was in California. I've only had one piece so far. I could've done some damage, but I'm going to ration it the best I can since I don't know when I'll get some more of these yummy good things.

And then I got tired of them talking about the weather on TV so I went outside and made a snow angel. I stayed outside for about 30 minutes. Playing outside in the snow by yourself is boring. I wish my friends lived closer so we could've had a snowball fight or something. We have a nice empty lot near my building that is perfect for snowmen and snowball fights.
Also, this is my 499th PUBLISHED post. (I've got plenty of drafts sitting around.) I kinda want to make sure my 500th is a good one and post it before the end of the year. I'm thinking it'll have a giveaway of some sort. Just not sure what yet. If anyone is interested in contributing something, let me know. I think I'm going to make some pizza wraps and do some cleaning and crafting. If it weren't getting dark, I'd go play in the snow some more.
(Okay, I was wrong, this is my 500th post. Not sure how that happened. Anywho...I'm still going to do a giveaway in my next post. How the heck did that slip past me. I was watching.)

Happy 500th post! How much snow did you guys get? YAY for Goldilocks. I've only been there once and I'm a sucker for Puto. So flufffy and delicious. I've never really ate their breads and things, but we have a filipino bakery almost a hour away. I just know it's across from a Jolibee haha. How was your Christmas??
Wow that's a lot of snow!!! Be safe and stay warm. :)
oh em geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! So much snow! We haven't gotten any here in IL, and I'm a bit jealous. But just a little :) Also, we have similar specs! I have those ones but in the light pink ones. I haven't had Goldilocks pastries in FOREVER. But from what I can remember, they were pretty yums!
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
What's the plan for your 501st post??
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