Wednesday, August 9, 2006

At least I got my music.

  1. I have begun the ultimate list.
  2. You can see it here:
  3. Okay, so I haven't quite started it yet...but I'm getting there.
  4. My bladder wouldn't let me sleep.
  5. I've applied for several jobs today. I'm good for the day.
  6. I can use my time as I please now.
  7. I've already set up and changed a couple of my blogs yet again.
  8. Ever changing me.
  9. Why does it cost so much to fax a couple sheets of paper. Sheesh.
  10. Wal-Mart is stepping up their game in the clothing department.
  11. Target will always be closer to the top in my heart though.
  12. Damn Payless for having cute shoes when I don't really have any shoe money.
  13. "...I'm bringing sexy back..."
  14. *sigh* I really wish I had more than one TV channel.
  15. At least I got my music.
  16. I really should try to do something productive tonight. But what...
  17. I wanna learn to speak German...and Spanish.
  18. Thought I was in for the night...nope...out to Coaches Tavern.
  19. Woo hoo!!!
  20. "...Number one (baby girl you and me)...Smash hit (thats a hit to me)...Off the charts (look how she get to me)..."
  21. Must clean up the apartment tomorrow. Not that it's messy, but I'm havin' company.
  22. Things are looking up with this photography thing.
  23. I hope I'm able to pursue it much further and not have "work" get in the way.
  24. It was nice to get out and see the usual suspects tonight.
  25. I can't believe ED is leaving Monday. But I'm happy for him.
  26. I'm tired. I sort of wanna work on my blogs...but I'm tired.

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