Tuesday, July 17, 2007

She Didn't Think I Was Ready, She Didn't Think She Was Ready

Goodness it was hot this weekend.  Drive around w/ the AC on instead of the windows open to enjoy the breeze hot.  It was also Black Expo weekend, which of course means folks was out acting up.  I wonder where these people come from, where are they regularly on the weekends?  Anyway...

This was the first time I decided to take part in the BE festivities.  It was rather interesting to say the least.  My one big question is why the fuck were there 11-12 year olds running around in damn near nothing at 4AM?  Go home already, you don't need to be out in the streets.  I can't believe your momma let you out the house lookin' like that, shit let you out the house this late either.  As AB's dad had said, there's gonna be some babies made tonight.  I believe every word of it.

Friday night AB and I hit up or usual event w/ Old Soul, it was held at a new venue, which was nice.  Friends from Chicago were in town for Expo; they came and hung out w/ us for a bit and then headed out.  I ran into a bunch of folks I've met at random places.  I'm getting to know people in this city.  It's a little weird.  We didn't stay the whole night.  We ended up meeting up w/ our friends again downtown, sat outside for a little bit talking and then decided to hang out at AB's house.  We all stayed up until about 6ish watching TV and then passed out in various parts of the house.  It's amazing how fast some people start snoring...one minute they're talking the next it's snoring.  I wish I could fall asleep that fast.

Still can't get over the youngin's running around at 4AM...in damn near no clothes.  I think there were more of them out than there was of folks our age.

I suppose I should start my day.  I think I'm going to try and enjoy this hot day and work on my tan.  And I suppose it'd be a good idea to do some job huntin' too.

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