5AT: getting it done
- Hawaiian Host + Hello Kitty - Oh how I miss macadamia nuts and Hawaiian chocolate add Hello Kitty and I'm like *squeee* Thanks to the new and awesome candy shop downtown that carries all sorts of random and fun yummy goodness.
- Sharky - completed my first quilt this week. You can read more about it here.
- 30 Days of Lists - I procrastinated on making my book and getting my lists started, but now I'm all caught up and ready to keep up. I kept it simple this time. Post to follow with the first 5 days. Maybe later today...or tomorrow.
- card holder sales - order from my aunt and then as soon as I list those suckers on etsy they get sold. I can dig it. With very little hours at work this MONTH, I've got to make up the income. I like having a place to live
- hey DJ can you play that song - I've been waiting for this guy to be released. Isn't the cutest. A DJ friend of mine keeps calling him Biebs. But...um...the Biebs doesn't have black hair. I think he's a Biebs fan boy. LOL!
I'm linking up with From My Grey Desk's H54F (high five for Friday).
Is that Almond Creme a beer or soda??
Love the quilt! Happy Friday :)
You made a quilt?! That's awesome!
the little lego man is so cute. love it!
happy friday!
xoxo, sarah grace
That quilt and the book of lists are so cute! You're so talented!!
Lol lego biebs? No way, if he was lego biebs, he'd have skinny jeans and a rhinestone vest on. duh. Haha
Hello Kitty Hawaiian Host? Yes, please! and, cute quilt! I've always been intimidated by quilting. It seems like I could mess up in so many different ways. The kid who ends up with your quilt will definitely have the coolest, for sure.
I'm a 30 Days of Lists ambassador and I'd love to see your lists! Are you also posting them to the flickr group or instagram?
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