I'm not sure what to say here, but these lovely ladies have taken up residence on my blog this month over on my side bar. Even though they're swap spots I thought they deserved some extra press other than that small little space over yonder. Instead of asking them to send me a snippet about themselves I asked them a single question as I rather you visit their blogs to find out more about them. mmmkay? Oh and if you're looking for the giveaway it's all the way at the bottom. So you have to at least scroll past all the sponsors to get there. See what I did there?
I asked them the following question: What would you rather give up for an entire month ALL human contact (this includes blogging, texting, twitter, fb, talking on the phone, etc) or all hygiene products (deoderant, toothpaste, perfume, shampoo, etc) except a bar of soap. Why?

I would rather give up all human contact {even though I'd miss my husband, but since we're considered "one" in the eyes of God and government can he not count?!} over hygiene products. I absolutely HATE feeling gross and dirty, even if I skip a day of showering I feel grimy and I can't relax. I already talk to Casey {my dog} as it is, so maybe I would adopt a few more dogs in the interest of rounding out my social circle a bit and live that month as a happy, clean, dog lady. Plus, a break from society might be nice.

I’m gonna go with human contact. If I had to live without the hygiene products I wouldn’t want any human contact either! Plus, I’m okay with my own company. Sometimes!

Well it's hard to choose between no hygiene products or no human contact, just like how I find it extremely torturing choosing noodles or bread, but still I'll prefer a month without hygiene product than human contact. My job requires a lot of contacting, and i'd hate cutting down being on phone with J, my man. And I can use that bar of soap for literally everything, you see. Yeah, including tooth brushing.

I would rather give up ALL human contact for 1 month. I would meditate the shit out of me for that whole damn month rather than have dirty scalp, oily face, mad B.O, and pasty teeth. Gross. Haha… If I get lonely, I'll make my own "Wilson" out of a rock and make out with him whenever I can.

I would rather give up all hygiene products, for sure. People on the internet can't see or smell me. Plus I could use the soap for everything except toothpaste and that's what gum is for! ;)

Oh my, this is a tough one!! There is no way that I could go without any of those products, but ALL human contact...that would include my husband and kids too I assume, I would rather be disgusting than go without my babies! At least I'd have a bar of soap that I suppose I could use to clean my hair with as well, but no toothpaste...gross!

[insert blog banner for la la lists here]
[insert blog banner for the rural knitter here]

Keeping it simple here party people. No fancy collage of prizes. Just see the rafflecopter widget below to see what's up for grabs. One large prize pack up for grabs. Happy Birthday to me and to you too!
i want a birthday pack full of surprises.
oh i spent my last day at a mexican restaurant where the Pillow treated my friends and i and we took pictures by the beach.
I spent my last birthday in the middle of a west coast road trip with my husband. I turned 21 in a teeny bar that was the only one open in town (except a Chinese restaurant that did karaoke) on the border of Oregon!
I spent my last birthday with family and friends and my amazing husband! SO spoiled with breakfast in bed, roses, fabulous gifts, amazing dinner and dessert!
with loved ones, doing karoake. it was too much fun. <3
My niece and I share the same birthday so i no longer "celebrate" mine. I will have to do something this year as i will be 30 on Oct.30th.
sloan_gray at yahoo dot com
booze cruise!
I spent my last birthday having my first drink.
I spent my last birthday at a surprise party with my closest friends. :) Wish I could celebrate your birthday with you friend!!!
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