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circa 2010 |
My birthday is next Friday and I still have no real plans as to what I'll be doing next weekend. I usually just hang out with friends and grab something to eat, but I haven't really made an effort to see if anyone wants to hang out. So really if I want to play the blame game, then I can blame it on myself. (Ha, in the middle of typing this a friend called and asked if I wanted to do something. It's not set in stone just yet though.)
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Keiko 2012 |
Never say never. After finding the art work that Stella was born from and knowing it had to be my next tattoo I was stumped with where to put it. After some thought the only place was my arm so I just did it. And even though it means I have to wear long sleeves at work (even when it's 100 degrees in the summer) I have no regrets. I get to look at their pretty little faces every day (even though they're hairy, I'm tempted occasionally to shave my arms).
Also, October's Would You Rather post is coming up soon. Is anyone interested in my questions ahead of time so they can play too? Let me know and I'll post them for y'alls.
reading - A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin
Be excited about whatever you decide to do for your birthday. I usually play it low key too but I always make sure to enjoy whatever. Even if it's just dinner.
Last year I got my fight club tattoo for my birthday. It's on my ankle. I haven't gone below my elbow yet, my last one is right above it, but I do try to not show too many tattoos at work. The elbow one gets seen a bit but how often do you really notice the skin above someone's elbow?! Worse come to worse I put on a jacket in the office.
I wish you lived around here, I would definitely celebrate your birthday with you! Just suck it up and ask people to come out, I know I hate doing all that but I would be sad if nothing happened for my bday.
Glad I'm not the only one who sometimes considers shaving my arms. I used to wax them, but that's neither here nor there. ANYWAY. Stella and Keiko are so unique!!
I'm excited for you!! Whatever you do end up doing, I hope your birthday is one of the happiest!
Also, I've nominated you for a Liebster award!
My bestie's birthday was Wednesday this week and she wanted to go out for kareoke - little did she know I planned a surprise drinks beforehand and my house with friends and cake and lots of booze so we could actually build up the courage to get up and sing! Kareoke was a lot of fun - if your looking for some fun ideas :)
I hope you have a smashing birthday x
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