- gifts in the form of Hello Kitty from friends - my friend Jason happened upon a Hello Kitty x Hello Art art show and pop up shop one weekend in LA and was kind enough to pick me up some goodies. awesome not only because he thought of me while he was at the show, but because they're things I probably wouldn't have been aware of or gotten otherwise.
- days off from work - I don't want to be there right now. home crocheting and sewing is great right now. I have a lot to do and the time off is needed. now if only I had PTO.
- finding the right color of yarn for a project - it's like finding the perfect pair of jeans. I've been on the search for a good navy yarn that's not to purply and I think I found it and it's soft too.
- blog friends turned real friends - no explanation needed *waves hi to new friends*
- this quote from Marc and Angel - "Love is a choice; it’s not magic. There is no such thing as ‘the one. You are not destined for any relationship other than the one you help create. Spend enough time with another loving person, and biology eventually kicks in. So use your head and find someone you really enjoy spending time with, who you don’t feel pressured to impress – someone who makes you feel loved, relaxed, and comfortable in your own skin."

reading - gonna go pick up A Feast of Crows by George R.R. Martin later today from the library

Oh haiiii real friend. I'm definitely going to need a reminder of our time difference if we're ever texting late at night, I will forget for sure! Also in cleaning my room today, the birthday package I set out to mail to you was clearly not sent in my absence (I put my sister in charge of that, won't make that mistake again) so you have something coming to you soon! <3
i love that quote :) and that hello kitty stuff!! :) i am planning to do our daughter's room in hello kitty whenever we move :) something about that little guy!
waves hi back.
uh hello girlfriend :)
I have the same yarn problem! Drives me crazy.
I also nominated you for this thing going on called the Liebster Award and all the rules and what not are on my blog but it is basically for smaller blogs of 200 followers or less to help find each others blogs. Kind of fun and a great way to meet other bloggers :)
I actually just saw that you just did a Liebster Award post. Haha whoops! Guess you're just that awesome ;)
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