I'm not big on resolutions. I don't know what it is...maybe it's the word. I prefer goals and affirmations. Now I already do goals n' shit every month, but Rima from Bolu by Rima is doing something similar, but there things that can be done some time during the whole year. Goals that may take a little more time than just a month. Here are the things I hope to accomplish this year.

I decided to break my list down into to miscellaneous goals, health goals and business goals.
- take a vacation to California - I'm looking forward to a break and I want to meet up with my awesome blogger turned real friends and the beach is calling me. I can't wait to mark this goal off my list.
- read 50 books - I love reading and had picked it up again. I have a lot of books I want to read, so why not add it to my list. This should be easy to do over the course of the year.
- create a vision board - This has been something I've wanted to do for a long time and keep putting it off. I've heard that people who create them are a lot more successful with the things that want and what they want to accomplish.
- buy a bicycle - I used to ride my bike all the time as a kid and I loved it. It's also a good form of exercise. I'd like to get back into it. Even if it means I have to lug a bike up and down 3 flights of stairs. I think I want an orange bike.
- run a 5k and 10k - I ran/walked my first 5k in September. Now it's time to run one. I can do it!
- lose 34 lbs - An odd number I know. I'll be 34 lbs. My goal is to get back under 200. 34 lbs will get me there with some extra. I'm looking forward to a slimmer and healthier body.
- get a check up - I've neglected my health for a long time and I even have health assistance, so I have no excuse. This NEEDS to get done.
- eat vegetarian for a month - I've eaten vegetarian for a week and two weeks. Now it's time to do it for an entire month. I think this will challenge the way I eat. I know it's possible and I have vegetarian friends that I can turn to when I can't think of things to eat. I plan do this in February...the shortest month of course. Ha!
- register issa.ino as a business - It's time to make it official. I have a lot of plans for issa.ino this year. issa.ino will be my parent company, with issa.ino:handmade, sophunk photography and plank & stella the smaller businesses that run underneath it.
- make issa.ino my ONLY job - Working for myself is my passion. There is no reason for me to not do this and I think it's time to transition into it being my only job.
- get issa.ino organized for the holidays - This year taught me that I need to get organized. I think this year could've been a lot less stressful had I been organized and had a ton of stock ready to go when people asked for it. It would've give me more time to focus on other things. Less learned.
- apply to a large craft show - I enjoyed the small pop up shop and would love to do a larger show. I think I have what it takes.

Ohhh snap, somebody is about to be their own boss after they complete this list! Sending you good vibes on completing this list of to-do's! p.s. what is a vision board???
I think this is such an awesome, inspiring list! It's great to see you so motivated and I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you that you get to complete all of your tasks!
Great goals friend! Ugh I'm so mad at myself for missing the December goals link up, I will have to obviously make my posts earlier so I can not miss it!! And California is definitely calling your name!! Or maybe that's just me, and I'm in California! :)
you go girl!!! let's ACCOMPLISH ALL OUR GOALZ
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