Can you believe that it's already the last month of the year. The Doomsdayers are getting ready for the end of the world. Aaaaaah! What're we going to do? Get shit done that's what. Let's recap November. Oh and visit the bottom, grab the button and come link up. LINK UP!!!

- clean out bedroom closet - FAIL! This was probably the easiest goal on my list and I couldn't take 30 minutes out of one of the last 30 days to go through and clean out what I wanted to toss out. I kept saying I'll do it later, I'll do it later. Story of my life some days. - 0
- NANOCRAFTED - SUCCESS! I completed most everything for Handmade Promenade. I still have the Valentine cards to work on for Indie Gift Box. I could've gotten more done, but I procrastinated. I'll be reevaluating my system at the beginning of the year to have more on hand when next holiday rolls around. Side note: HP opened on Small Business Saturday and by Monday had almost sold out of all the fingerless gloves I'd sent over! I had to make more. - 2/3
- read a book by Charles Dickens - FAIL! I'm still trying to muddle through A Feast for Crows and it's already a day late back to the library. I'm having a hard time getting into this fourth book. I don't like the characters from which Martin is narrating the story.. - 0
- send a care package to a blog friend - SUCCESS! It just so happened that Rima from Bolu by Rima had purchased a fun little hat from me and since hers was the only address that I had I went ahead and sent her some extra goodies and called it a care package. I love putting together care packages. - 1
- wear my hair down more often - I actually wore my hair down a whole shift at work. I've never done that. And just for that I'm giving myself a full point. I have a hard time wearing my hair down because it gets everywhere. Up in a top knot just seems so much easier. - 1

It's the last month of the year. I've decided to keep it simple because I've got A LOT of crafting to do and a few decisions to make. I don't want to stress myself out with goals that might require more time and attention than I might have. For January I'll have both goals for the month and goals for the entire year.
What are your goals this month? Grab the button below, leave your link and share with us, because sharing is caring.

1 comment:
as long as you've done anything at all on your list I consider it a success. Success!
I'm linking up my birthday list update that I shared last night and my November recap goes live today at 8. Maybe for 31 I'll do monthly goals! I kind of like that better. A whole year is kind of a big ol' chunk of crazy to keep track of!
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