I really enjoyed participating in this gift exchange and I'm glad Allie let me host this with her. It was fun for me to do some non holiday, kinda holiday shopping for someone else. Shopping for someone I don't know very well can be stressful because you want to make sure they get something they like. I think I had enough information about Alyssa of A Latte Love that I feel like I did a pretty good job. I hope she feels the same way.

Rebecca from Grown Up Plus was the awesome lady who drew my name for the Winter Gift Exchange. I included my etsy favorites in the what do you like/dislike portion of the survey and she picked up something from there to send to me. Awesome idea, I'm stealing it for my next gift exchange/swap. I have yet to open up these goodies, but can't wait. I'm a lip balm junkie and now have peppermint to add to my stash (this stash includes Unicorn Farts and Crispy Bacon). I can't wait to try out the body polish and body butter. Maybe during/after a nice relaxing bath after the holidays have died down at work.

I also received an awesome package from Allie of A Day in a Joyful Life, my cohost in crime. MORE lip balm to add to my stash. I really don't want to open it since it's from London. And aren't those mustache cards the cutest. I'm probably a tiny bit hipster at heart. Ha! I've been so buy with craft fairs and work that I didn't get my package out to her yet. Slacker. But it'll be on it's way shortly!
As for the charity portion of this gift exchange, I'm in the process of making two quilts for Quilts for Kids. I won some fabric a few months back and had a friend gift some fabric she wasn't using to me. I really enjoyed making the first quilt I sent to Quilts for Kids that I thought I'd make and send a couple more. You can usually request a quilt kit from them and they'll send you all but the batting to make a quilt, but they're currently short on funding to ship those out. If you'd like to make a shipping donation, you can do that here. These are quick and easy quilts if you're a first time quilter and they got to a good cause. Check it out and give it a shot.
Now how about you guys? What goodies did the mail carriers bring to you? Come link up with Allie and I below and check out some of the other links too.

Thanks so much for hosting - I really enjoyed this swap!
First of all, THANK YOU for co-hosting with me! I thought this was such an awesome experience, especially now that I’m reading about everyone’s charitable actibities and how they connected with their partners! I can’t wait to do it again next year for sure!
It was such a good idea to include your etsy wish-list, I’m so glad you got something you really wanted and that body polish must smell amazing! I’m glad you liked your co-host gift, for some reason the mustache cards called out to me, I think because they were trendy-yet-fancy haha.
Finally, {yes, this comment has become an essay}, I love that you’re making quilts! That’s such an awesome organization and if I learn how to quilt one day I will remember that! Happy winter solstice!
You nailed it Melissa! It was truly like Christmas when my package arrived! I am still oohing and ahhing over everything. I'll likely get my post up later today or first thing tomorrow. Thank you SO much!
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