Friday, December 15, 2006

Today has been an okay day.

  1. The Geminids was most beautiforous last night. Thanks Les for the heads up.
  2. I wonder what the time constraints for making wishes on them bad boys is...
  3. If I still have time I got some wishes to make.
  4. I tried to call my dad yesterday morning, but I don't have Int'l calling on my new phone.
  5. I sent him a text message instead. He didn't know who it was. Then told me next time to add my name at the end of the message.
  6. WTF??? I'm his only daughter AND I told him I changed my number over a month ago.
  7. It made me feel VERY insignificant.
  8. I'm not close to my family AT ALL, but it still made me cry.
  9. Thank goodness for days off. I got a lot of shit to catch up with since I was bed ridden for 4 days.
  10. Dishes. *DONE*
  11. I really need some new cooking utensils. Mine are getting all melty. You really shouldn't rest plastic utensils on hot pots/pans/the stove.
  12. I'm a genius. I know.
  13. Vacuuming. *DONE*
  14. Trash. *DONE*
  15. I'm doing well this week sticking to my budget. But I've also been home all week. So it's been easy.
  16. I love hot tea.
  17. I think it's taking over my love for hot cocoa.
  18. I can't wait for the holidays to be over.
  19. I can't believe it's about to be a new year already. Where has the time gone?
  20. Oh to be a kid again.
  21. My goal of getting my driving permit by the end of December. I don't think it's gonna happen. I think I'll shoot for the middle of January.
  22. My back is still sore.
  23. Ugh.
  24. My skin is so dry. Yuck.
  25. I wanna see The Pursuit of Happyness.
  26. Woo hoo, didn't go to work today, but I still made $50. I love it.
  27. I'm craving pizza, but it's not in the budget.
  28. I'm sittin' here with eye makeup on one eye. I know I look crazy.
  29. Today has been an okay day.
  30. Day old danishes...still good.
  31. Two more items on today's to do list and I'm done.
  32. I want to do some creative tonight.
  33. ..."hey we should really look into our heritage because we both have asian type chinese eyez"
  34. I need people that I see/talk to on a regular to realize that yes I'm Asian and that's why I look Asian.
  35. Naps are sooo good.
  36. As are fresh baked cookies.
  37. I finished everything on my to do list today.
  38. Success.
  39. I'm looking forward to my last first kiss.

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