I told ScruffyNerdy that I had a crush on him and that I wanted to get to know him better. He said he was flattered, that he couldn't say his feelings were the same and that he was cool kicking it as friends. The thing is, for me at least, a crush doesn't mean I want to date or that I have feelings. It just means I'm attracted to you and I think you seem pretty cool. Not sure how awkward things will be now. Wrong choice of words for sure, kinda wish I hadn't said anything at all. Oh well.
I've had a few male friends be nice to me lately. I'm never sure how to take it. I have a few male friends who do things for me and I know they're just friendly gestures. We've been friends long enough that it doesn't mean anything. No other intentions. But these last two incidents, I'd like to believe both guys were just being nice and it's just part of their nature. I'm not sure though.
One guy I've known on Twitter for about a year. We met/hung out a few times, but mostly we communicate via Twitter. He was getting off work one night (he works at a grocery store) and I jokingly asked him to bring me some Oreos and milk. He said sure. I then responded saying I was only half serious. I really did want some milk and cookies, but didn't really think he'd drive 20+ minutes out of his way to actually bring them to me. He did. We hung out and talked for a little bit and then he left. I relayed the scene to a couple of friends after it occurred and both asked me if he liked me. *shrugs* Not that I know of. I just thought he was being nice. I'm sure I could ask him, but no.
Work has been good. I'm enjoying it. I don't enjoy the uniform so much though. I really wish I didn't have to wear long sleeves. I don't regret getting my tattoo, but I surely do dislike having to wear the long sleeves. Oh well. I've been getting decent hours and my paychecks are normally a little more than I'm expecting. I can dig it.
Hats are surprisingly STILL selling and I've had requests for more. I thought w/ the warmer weather that business would slow down, but it hasn't. I had a good run on Mother's Day cards as well. Just wish I was more motivated to create. I need to change that. I need to do one creative thing a day and hopefully something will change and I'll be more motivated.
I was teaching AT how to drive for a couple of weeks after she bought a car for her birthday, but sadly that has stopped because just as I was informed, you CANNOT finance a car without a driver's license. I feel bad for AT, I hope she gets some if not all of the money she spent back. It was fun being able to drive places. You'd think that'd be motivation to hurry up and save some money to buy a car, but sadly it is not. I still enjoy riding the bus though it's a bit of a pain having to get up early on some days or not being able to go out at night. Who knows, maybe I will end up saving up for a beater car to drive around. We shall see.
Other than that not much else is going I suppose. Just daily life. I keep telling myself I want to get healthy, but I'm not doing anything about it. Lazy bum. I plan on getting new ink before summer OFFICIALLY begins, saving up my pennies as we speak. And I think that's about it. Oh, I made lasagna for the first time this past week. Delicious.
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