I feel like the weather went from cold to hot too fast here in the last couple of weeks. It's supposed to be in the 80's and 90's this week. I'm kinda thankful that I'll be working for part of it so I'll be in the nice air conditioned mall. Though it'd be nice to be sitting pool side somewhere reading a book and bopping my head to some music. Oh well. It's hard to have it all some times.
AT did NOT lose her car. She ended up having another bank finance her instead. Woo! She's getting a lot better at driving, but still needs some practice. It's nice to have access to a car. I can go out at night and it makes grocery shopping so much easier. Maybe this will be enough motivation for me to get my OWN car.
After going back and forth about being hungry and what to eat and who would cook Milk&Cookies and I ended up going out to a show for a bit and then to grab a bite to eat the other night. He ended up paying the cover for the show and I feel like he was attempting to pay for my super late dinner before I hopped in front of him and paid for it myself. He even opened the car door for me. All I could think was, what's going on here? This isn't a date is it? I couldn't tell you the last time a guy opened the car door for me. Could just be his nature. I enjoyed hanging out with him. Then again I generally enjoy hanging out with my guy friends. Less drama, more fun.
My buddy BJ is back!!! Well he didn't really go anywhere, but it feels like he's been gone. He was dating this girl and well...it was like he was a different person. I always felt awkward talking to him and saying hi when I saw him/them. It was like it was wrong to text him. He's not with her anymore. Woo! And his new girl. She's pretty fucking cool from what I can tell. I'm still laughing and shaking my head at the fact that I had to tell him to back up and get his dick off of me the other day. (He was fully clothed, he was just drunk and standing next to where I was sitting and trying to get the attention of his girl who was on the other side of me.) We had a good talk, even in his drunken state.
I'm doing well with doing one creative thing every day. It's been a lot of crocheting lately because I need to get these hats made and shipped off and dropped off at their destinations. But Friday/Saturday I took a LEGO Star Wars Minifigure keychain and made it into a necklace. Fun!
Lastly, yesterday I enjoyed being outside as much as I could. Even if that meant sitting on some bleachers downtown blowing bubbles, having to deal with the stench of horses and spending time with friends. BusDriver stopped through with his daughter and hung out for a bit too. I find it awkward to meet dude's kids, even if they're just friends. I don't feel awkward meeting girl's kids though. I don't know. He offered to buy me ice cream. I can't believe I turned down free ice cream. I enjoy hanging out with him too. It's a good balance of sarcasm and not sarcasm. Ha! I can't think of the right word.
I kinda feel like someone needs to make a move, before the other one does. *shrugs*
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