Link up time again with Simply Evani for Let's Get Physical.
Another piss poor effort was put forth again for October. Again I'll say I have no good excuse. I mean really, I didn't even think about my health goals this month. Horrible, I know. I think it was in part that I don't have my goals written down anywhere that I can see them on a daily basis like I do my monthly goals. That will change this month. I will post them on my board so that I can look at them every time I sit down at my desk. Especially since I tend to eat at my desk. Bad, I know. Anywho...let's get on with the rest of this post:

I'm for real tired of being overweight. I don't want something drastic to happen in order for me to realize that I need to make some serious changes. The holidays aren't going to make this any easier, but I'm going to put in a better effort to accomplish some if not all of my goals this month. So I will need your help to keep me motivated. Tweet me. Feel free to make me feel guilty if it looks like I'm falling off the wagon. Something. mmmmkay?!?
Now head on over to Simply Evani and come link up with us.

I would suggest finding another 5k or similar event a few months from now and signing up. If it was motivating before, it will be again.
I'll make you a deal; if you find yourself a 5k, I'll find a century (100km bike ride) and sign up for that. It works best when you have others to work with.
oh sweetie, if only guilt tripping my experience it just makes me resent the person doing it and I eat more just to spite them :/ free food...can not turn it down...EVER I can't let food go to waste, I'm the person who finishes my food, then my husbands then both of my boys's...ugh no good. For me it's easier to loosely count calories and give myself a doable and healthy amount (for my size) to not exceed for the day, I always go at least 1000c over, but at least I didn't eat the other 5000 extra c I would've otherwise!
This is it. You and me. Pushing each other. Hating each other. But getting fit. It's happenin sista. Believe it.
Have you ever tried Zumba? There are some great routines on YouTube that I love, really fun choreography. Search for Grand Rapids Zumba, and some fun ones should come up.
Good luck!
We're on the same page, I didn't pay attention to what I was eating or make an attempt to be active at all last month. I LOVE your idea to post your goals where you can see them, I'm stealing that! I'm also in need of someone to keep me accountable-- I'll try to keep you in line if you do the same for me!
I agree with Rebecca - look for another event and sign up for it then start training!!!! If you get your cardio in you can eat your sweets.. yeah thats right! But who am I kidding I myself am not motivated at the moment. Unfortunately I am not on twitter but I am rooting from the bloggersphere!!
You go for 5 k run and I for a 10 .. thats a deal??
Together we're gonna make it! Isn't that right, Evani, Allie, Jane, Rebecca, Louise ?? :-)
free food is free food! I would never turn down a good free meal. Sweets and carbs is like everyone's enemy. Try to only allow yourself one to two cookies OR replace it with fruits? Same sugary sweetness, but not as bad.
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