I like how Rima of Bolu by Rima did a recap of the previous months goals and then posted her new months goals, so I'm copying her. By the way, she's awesome so go visit her blog. Click on her Hello Bar at the top and buy something from her too.
Where the hell did October go? I feel like of all the months, this one has whizzed by the fastest. Two more months and then it'll be a new year or we'll all be gone if you believe that end of the world stuff. Also, 300 and some odd more days until my birthday. Anywho, here's a recap of Octobeard's Goals.

- start running again - I woke up early and put on my running shoes and went running/walking TWICE! no bueno. There were enough mornings off that weren't too cold and crazy out that I should've gotten up early all of them and went out and got my cardio on. I did at least do it twice though so I'm giving my self 1/3 of point. - 1/3
- create a vision board - FAIL! I have three metal boards that sit above my desk that I look at on a daily basis and had planned on clearing off one or two of them to make my vision board. It should've been easy. My only excuse was I had no idea where to start. How are my wishes supposed to come true if I'm not motivated enough to put forth the effort? - 0
- learn to make fly ly (fried rice) - thinking about Octobeard I didn't really cook much. What the heck did I eat all month? I'm a bad Asian. - 0
- finish reading 5 books - this would've been easy peasy had I not requested A Storm of Swords (the third Game of Thrones book). 900+ pages is not a quick read at all. Had I spent the last two days reading my current book I'd have finished, but I had some other things to do. Also, have you noticed at the bottom's of my posts I've been posting what I'm reading. - 4/5
- pack up some boxes - I obtained a nice collection of boxes from work to pack up with all my random goodies so that they'd be ready to go when I moved into a new apartment. I packed about two boxes. two is still some. - 1

It's No Shave November, where the men don't shave for an entire month in support of cancer or something like that. I should've Googled that before I wrote it. Support of those who've had cancer? Anywho, oh how I love the beardy goodness. Babe grows the most awesome beard. I just want to nuzzle in it. *le sigh*
I have a full line of products to make for Handmade Promenade and 105 Valentine cards to make for Indie Gift Box. How do I make sure I get this done? NANOCRAFTED is what me and my friend Tehlia have dubbed it. It's the craft version on NANOWRIMO which is from my understanding a writing challenge that takes place in November to get 50,000 words written.
I don't celebrate the holidays, but I love to send out packages and cards. One of my blog friends is getting a package this month. But which one? So far I only have one person's address. So unless you other lovely
All these goals are going down. None of them are safe. That's how I feel about not being able to tackle 5 simple goals the last couple of months. My recap in December will be all about kicking ass and what not. YEAH! Um...okay.
What are your goals this month? Grab the button below, leave your link and share with us, because sharing is caring.

Good goals! I'm still figuring mine out for November. Think I'll have to focus on it more once I get the IGB release at least somewhat out of the way!
I've been wanting to do a vision board, but then I get too lazy and just pin things on Pinterest. Does that count?
Im new 'round these parts' but you need to give yourself way!!! More credit in the book reading part because George R R Martin is a long winded SOB!
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