I'm actually ready for spring. I normally don't mind the winter and the snow, but I'm officially ready for spring. I want to spend time outside and I want to start wearing warmer weather clothing. I love my winter jacket, but I want but that sucker in the closet until the rest of the year. Anywho, let's talk about what went down in February.

I discovered the Strip n' Run shortly after I posted about doing the Bunny Rock. I'd rather do the Strip n' Run. I think it'll be much more fun AND it's a little further away. I'm still working on getting someone to run with me. I will totally do it alone, but I think it's more fun and encouraging when someone does these fun runs with you.
No meat all month was pretty easy. I didn't eat nearly enough veggies though. I ate A LOT of cheese and chocolate. No bueno. I tried fake bacon and it was so gross. That's probably the one thing that would keep me from being a vegetarian. I can't give up the bacon. (Though I went through my twitter when I first started in 2008 and had given up bacon for a whole year, so I guess it is possible.)
Since I really only work about half a week these days I spend a lot of time on my computer or at my craft table. That means I do a lot of sitting. One day I said that every time I get up from my desk I will do 10 jumping jacks. It felt good. I could feel my heart rate go up. It wasn't a lot, but it was something. I think even the small things help. I want to be more mindful of down time and do little things in those bits of time. Wish me luck. I'd like to finally see a lose on my little weight tracker in the sidebar over there.

I'm ready for spring as well!!! It can't come soon enough.
I think it's entirely possible I'm the heaviest I've ever been right now too. Eek, not a pretty number. Anyways, I love the idea of doing stretches and small exercise moves at work, I made that one of my goals after talking to you! And I think bacon is easier to live without when we just stop buying it. If I have a craving for bacon but have to go all the way to the store AND cook it, it's less likely to happen? I dunno, I love meat but I am slowly going to try reducing my red meat and pork consumption I think? We need to pin some serious delicious veggie recipes! And maybe do more dark chocolate? Then its at least good for you (slash maybe you'll dislike it so much, you'll stop wanting chocolate).
I've omitted meat from my diet and agree completely that it's so easy to load up on carbs and cheese. Since this isn't my first time attempting a veggie diet I was more prepared for that this time around, but I still do eat a lot of cheese. I find that I eat more veggies if I get a few frozen steamer bags and split the bag between a couple of meals, no matter what else I'm eating. With fresh veggies I wash/cut them up and keep them in the fridge so they're ready to go, otherwise they tend to sit in the crisper drawer and get old. Good luck with your goals, let's definitely try to share some veggie recipe ideas this month that don't involve cheese!
I should do some stretches too. My body definitely feels stiff from sitting on my butt on day.
Instead of buying fresh veggies, I love buying the frozen steam packs which is healthier than canned.
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