Thursday, January 16, 2014

capsule wardrobe - black leather boots
Retail: $130.00 Sale: $69.99

Since my sales were super awesome at the Handmade Promenade Holiday Pop Up Shop, I thought I'd go ahead and treat myself to one of the more expensive items on my capsule wardrobe list.

I've actually been looking for a pair of black combat style boots for a couple of years now, but couldn't see myself shelling out $100+ for a pair. And I was having a hard time trying to find a pair that I really liked that looked comfortable enough. I also have a hard time spending that much money on a pair of shoes that I won't wear every day.

A couple of weeks ago I was looking at winter boots on zappos and for shits and giggles decided to look up combat style boots and found the above beauties on sale. I love a good sale. It's hard to pay retail price when you've worked in retail for so long. I like zappos, but I can usually find thing cheaper or a rebate or coupon if I do interwebs research. And I did.

I found my boots directly on the ALDO website for a bit cheaper AND free shipping. I didn't jump on purchasing them though. I couldn't. I had to make sure I really wanted them. I waited about a week and a half before I went ahead and bought them. Thankfully they were still on sale. And now they're mine. They're real leather and nice and soft on the inside.

I look forward to the weather warming up and the snow melting away so that I can throw on some leggings and my fancy new boots.

While perusing the interwebs yesterday I went ahead and started a capsule wardrobe Pinterest board. It has a couple of things that I think will go nicely with my list. One of my goals this week is to purge my closet again. There's a lot to get rid of and I'm ready to see it go. I think it's a good time to donate.

reading - Allegiant by Veronica Roth
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